Onything but sleep, you rogue! glow'ring like the mune,
Rattling in an airn jug wi' an airn spoone,
Rumbling, tumbling round about, crawing like a cock,
Skirlin' like a kenna-what, wauk'ning sleeping fock.
William Miller, original text, 1841.
I have previously blogged in The Iceman Cometh and Inglourious Basterds (see below) about the dispute between Unite & BucketAirlines, the worlds' favourite airline. My main concern was with Wee Willie Winkie Walsh (annual Salary £700,000+) who was determined to prevent the industrial action by his employees (average annual salary £20,000) from going ahead. Now on BA's own website, their main tenet for preventing action was thus;
"We are commencing legal action in an attempt to protect customers (average annual salary £22,000) from the massive stress and disruption..."
"We are absolutely determined to do whatever we can to protect our customers (average annual salary £22,000)..."
"We are delighted for our customers (average annual salary £22,000) that the threat of a Christmas strike has been lifted by the court."
Really? I have 3 words for you Willie:
1. YOU
Allow me if you will to quote from your own Pravda masquerading website;
"You will not be able to get a refund if you choose to travel on another airline or make alternative travel arrangements."
"We will not cover any costs if you changed your plans and recommend you contact your travel insurance company for advice."
"...if you made alternative arrangements on another airline, this will be at your own cost."
"No, we will not cover costs if you made alternative arrangements before the court ruling was held."
So there it is, his fait accompli, Wee Will Winkie has in fact been royally fucking his employees and his customers from behind for so long, he could probably do it in his sleep.
"Wee Willie Winkie" as you all know is a Scottish nursery rhyme, whose titular figure has become popular the world over as a personification of sleep. I bet Walsh and his board sleep like fucking babies.
The last post.
13 years ago
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